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Stress management to be added to India’s maritime curriculum under new agreement with ITF. Indian seafarers will now benefit from mental health training thanks to a new agreement signed by India…
Trade unions from around the world join ILO and IMO meeting to advance measures to combat seafarer criminalisation and unfair treatment. Seafarers must be treated fairly and not subjected to…
The ITF joins affiliates at Wellington rally demanding new, publicly-owned ‘Interislander’ ferries.The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and representatives of affiliated trade unions…
ITF runs ‘training of trainers’ in Romania for ten maritime universities from seven countries.  Trainers from across seven countries located on or near the Black Sea are now ready to…
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) sends unwavering solidarity to transport workers striking in Argentina today.  The strikers and their unions are protesting President…